Non GMO Project Verified
The Non GMO Project Verified certification signifies that the product has been assessed through North America's only third-party verification for non-GMO food and products. In order for a product to be Non-GMO Project Verified, its inputs must be evaluated for compliance with their standard, which categorizes inputs into three risk levels.

Orthodox Union
The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (the “Orthodox Union”) is the sole and exclusive owner of the OU Kosher Logo certification mark, a federally and internationally registered trademark for kosher certification. The appearance of "PARVE" next to the OU mark means that the product does not contain any meat or dairy ingredients.

Parve (Kosher)
The Parve certification signifies that a product is kosher and does not contain milk or meat ingredients.

USDA Organic
The USDA Organic attribute includes any food or beverage product that has a USDA Organic Certification and meets each of the following requirements: 1) The product is produced without excluded methods, (e.g., genetic engineering, ionizing radiation, or sewage sludge); 2) The product is produced without any excluded substances (National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances); 3) The production of the product is overseen by a USDA National Organic Program-authorized certifying agent, following all USDA organic regulations.

Whole Grain Council
The Basic Whole Grain Stamp signifies that a product contains at least 8g (8 grams) - a half serving - of whole grain, but may also contain some refined grain. Even if a product contains large amounts of whole grain (23g, 37g, 41g, etc.), it will use the Basic Stamp if it also contains extra bran, germ, or refined flour. The number within the stamp signifies how many grams of whole grain ingredients are in a serving of the product.