
Clorox® Disinfecting Mist, Free & Clear of Fragrances & Dyes 14 Fluid Ounces

14 fl oz


Usage Instructions

Refill only with this product. 

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. 

TO DISINFECT HARD, NONPOROUS SURFACES: Spray 6–8 inches from surface until thoroughly wet. Surface must remain visibly wet for 2 minutes. For visibly soiled areas, a precleaning is required. No rinsing is required.

TO SANITIZE HARD, NONPOROUS FOOD CONTACT SURFACES: Spray 6–8 inches from surface until thoroughly wet. Allow treated surface to remain visibly wet for 1 minute. For visibly soiled surfaces, precleaning is required.

TO SANITIZE SOFT SURFACES**: Spray 6–8 inches from surface until thoroughly wet. Spray until fabric is wet. DO NOT SATURATE. Allow surface to remain visibly wet for 2 minutes. Allow to air dry.

TO DEODORIZE: Spray until thoroughly wet. Surface must remain visibly wet for 2 minutes. For visibly soiled areas, a precleaning is required.

TO REMOVE ALLERGENS: Spray 6–8 inches from surface and wipe excess. Allow to air dry. No rinsing is required.