
Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes, Bleach Free Cleaning Wipes – Fresh - 15 Count (Package May Vary)

15 Count


Hexoxyethanol (Hexoxietanol)

Hexoxyethanol is used as a solvent and grease remover in household and industrial cleaning products. (El hexoxietanol se usa como solvente y removedor de grasa en productos de limpieza domésticos e industriales.)


Soil Dissolver, Fragrance

CAS Number


Designated Lists


Under the California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act, the disclosure of fragrance allergens included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No 1223/2009, ingredients that appear on one or more of 22 Designated Lists, and/or certain Nonfunctional Constituents are required to provide consumers and workers with detailed ingredient information about the cleaning products they purchase.

Ingredient descriptions have been provided by Clorox