24 FL OZ (1.5 PT) 709 mL
Limonene is used in cleaning products to help dissolve stains and soils and as a fragrance component. A member of a class of chemicals called terpenes, Limonene is obtained from the rinds of citrus fruits. It has been identified as a potential allergen by the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, an advisory board to the European Union. <a href="">Additional Fragrance Information</a> (El limoneno se usa en productos de limpieza para ayudar a disolver manchas y suciedad, y tambien se utiliza como un componente de fragancia. Es parte de una clase de productos quimicos llamados terpenos que se obtienen de las cascaras de frutas citricas. Ha sido identificado como un alergeno potencial por el Comite Cientifico de Seguridad de los Consumidores (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety), un comite consultivo de la Union Europea. <a href="">Informacion adicional sobre las fragancias</a>)
Under the California Cleaning Product Right to Know Act, the disclosure of fragrance allergens included on Annex III of the EU Cosmetics Regulation No 1223/2009, ingredients that appear on one or more of 22 Designated Lists, and/or certain Nonfunctional Constituents are required to provide consumers and workers with detailed ingredient information about the cleaning products they purchase.